Poppy seeds- used to numb pain and make a cat very sleepy
Catmint - For white cough and Green cough. Also exceptionally tasty to cats that are not sick
Cobwebs - used to stop bleeding
Feaverfew - used to cool feverish cats and treat head pain
Borage Leaves - used to treat fevers and helps nursing mothers with their milk supply
Marigold - used to treat infection and heal wounds and sores
Horse Tail - used to treat infected wounds
Burdock root - used to treat infections, especially rat bites
Chervile Root - used to treat infections
Wild Garlic - rolling in this can help to keep out infection
Coltsfoot- used to treat kittencough
Catnip(also called catmint) - used to treat whitecough and greencough; can help to relax a cat
Chickweed- used to help treat greencough
Tansy - used to treat coughs
Thyme - used to calm a cat
Camomile - used to calm a cat
Dandelion Leaves- used to calm a cat
Juniper Berries - used to treat bellyache
Chervile- used to treat bellyache
Watermint - used to treat bellyache
Daisy Leaves - used to treat aching joints
Goldenrod- used in a poultice to treat aching joints and stiffness; can also be used for severe injuries.
Ragwort Leaves- used alongside juniper berries in a poultice to treat aching joints
Comfrey - used to treat broken bones
Nettle (leaves) - used to treat swelling
Celadine - used to treat ailments of the eyes
Snake Root - used to counter poison
Nettle (seeds) - used to counter poison
Honey - used to treat sore throats
Mouse bile - used to remove ticks from a cat's coat
Yarrow - used to make a cat vomit and expel poisons from the body